Entries tagged as aleatory

220804 / Fiori Rotanti
@ Revoltella Estate 2022 > 23.08.2022 - 21:30 // Terrazza Museo Revoltella, Via Diaz 27 - Trieste (TS) w/ Goga Mason,

220720 / L’aura di Laura
@ Int. 7 > 20.07.2022 // P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci 1, Trieste (TS) w/ Dj Sjonji [sound from cassette deck and modular synthesi

220626 / Indomabili
@ Crack! > From 23 to 26.06.2016 // C.S.O.A Forte Prenestino - Cella n.6, Via F. Delpino - Cento Celle, Roma (RM) w/ Animatori

220623 / Anima
@ Crack! > [Exhibition & Workshop] From 23 to 26.06.2022 @ Cella n.13 // [Live Performance] 24.06.2022 @ Auditorium // C.S.O.A For

220527 / L’aura di Laura
@ Int. 7 > 27.05.2022 // P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci 1, Trieste (TS) w/ Dj Sjonji [sound from cassette deck and modular synthesi

220123 / Indomabili
@ Alliance Française > 22.01.2022 // P.zza Sant'Antonio Nuovo 2, Trieste (TS) w/ Animatori Indomabili [light from body, cam

220122 / Indomabili
@ Alliance Française > 22.01.2022 - From 16:00 to 18:00 // P.zza Sant'Antonio Nuovo 2, Trieste (TS) w/ Animatori Ind

211203 / Indomabili
@ + O - Positivi > 03.12.2021 - From 17:00 to 20:00 // Palazzo Costanzi - P.zza Piccola 2, Trieste (TS) w/ Animatori

211121 / Is*Is
@ Int. 7 > From 10 to 21.11.2021 // P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci 1, Trieste (TS) w/ A F D [sound from Integrated System for Inter