Entries tagged as audio
Poli [1.2-0]
Poli is an polyphonic synthesizer consisting of twelve oscillators (like VCO) with two mixable waveforms, first based on sawtooth and se
Armoni [1.2-0]
Armoni is an monophonic synthesizer consisting of twelve oscillators (like VCO) for twelve harmonics with a dedicated percentage control
Membra [1.2-0]
Membra is an monophonic percussive synthesizer consisting of three oscillators (like VCO) with one mixable waveforms (first with triangl
Infiniti [1.2-0]
Infiniti is an monophonic synthesizer based on Shepard tone concept, with twelve oscillators (like VCO) with three mixable waveforms: si
Vocale [1.2-0]
Vocale is an monophonic synthesizer to articulate vowel-like tones, with one oscillator (like VCO) based on pulse-width (like PWM) with
Retro [1.2-0]
Retro is an monophonic synthesizer that emulates the style of the 'bassline', with two oscillators (like VCO), first is based on pulse-w
Onde [1.2-0]
Onde is an multiple waveforms generator (sine, triangle, sawtooth ramps downward and upward, square and normal and smooth random) with a