Entries tagged as electronics

170428 / The King Tour
@ UE' [Underground Eccetera] > 28.04.2017 - 20:00 // Scugnizzo Liberato, Salita Pontecorvo, 46 - Napoli (NA) w/ Aless

Membra [1.2-0]
Membra is an monophonic percussive synthesizer consisting of three oscillators (like VCO) with one mixable waveforms (first with triangl

170309 / The King
@ Nazionale [at the opening of 'Kong: Skull Island'] > From 09.03.2017 - 16:30, 20:10 & 22:10 // Cinema Multisala, Viale XX Settem

161228 / The King
@ Int. 7 > From 05 to 28.12.2016 // P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci 1, Trieste (TS) w/ Alessandro Fiorin Damiani, Ivan Pilat [sound

160127 / Incertezze
@ Int. 7 > From 05 to 27.01.2016 // P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci 1, Trieste (TS) w/ A F D [light from microscope.. sound from mod

150913 / Soundwave
@ Yoga Day > 13.09.2015 - 12:15 // Quartiere Latino, Treviso (TV) w/ Alessandro Fiorin Damiani [sub-Hz massage fro

150814 / Igi
@ Artigianato Vivo [punto E] > 14.08.2015 - 21:30 // Ex Latteria Cison di Valmarino (TV) w/ IGI Trio, Goga Mason [

Granula [1.2-0]
Granula is a stereo effect with a double granular modulator with a dedicated control of pitch, size (length & density), envelope sharpne

141211 / Anima
@ Animateka > 11.12.2014 - 23:00 // Pritličje - Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana (LJ) w/ Video Animazioni Vive [light with