Entries tagged as electronics

141115 / Anima
@ Bilbolbul VIII > 15.11.2014 - 18:00 // Studio Elica - via San Felice 48, Bologna (BO) w/ Video Animazioni Vive [

140914 / Soundwave
@ Yoga Day > 14.09.2014 - 12:00 // Quartiere Latino, Treviso (TV) w/ Alessandro Fiorin Damiani [sub-Hz massage fro

140814 / Igi
@ Artigianato Vivo [punto E] > 14.08.2014 - 21:30 // Ex Latteria Cison di Valmarino (TV) w/ IGI Trio, Timoteo Eronia,

Infiniti [1.2-0]
Infiniti is an monophonic synthesizer based on Shepard tone concept, with twelve oscillators (like VCO) with three mixable waveforms: si

Vocale [1.2-0]
Vocale is an monophonic synthesizer to articulate vowel-like tones, with one oscillator (like VCO) based on pulse-width (like PWM) with

140627 / Pure
@ Hackit 0x11 > 27.06.2014 - 00:00 // XM24 - Via Fioravanti 24, Bologna (BO) w/ Video Animazioni Vive «

140619 / Anima
@ Crack! > From 19 to 22.06.2014 // C.S.O.A Forte Prenestino, Via Federico Delpino - Cento Celle, Roma (RM) w/ Video

Love きみどり – 16° FAR EAST FILM Festival Trailer
w/ Video Animazioni Vive [light from colors, felt-tip pen, paper, watercolor.. sound from modular synthesizer and Shint

140106 / Festa
@ Epi (c) Fania > 06.01.2014 - 14:00 // Via delle Cave 9, Aurisina (TS) w/ A-F-D, Bubu [sound from drum computer,