Entries tagged as etnofiltri

181018 / Inshallah
@ Int. 7 > 30.06.2017 [voice], from 22.09 to 18.10.2018 [synth] // P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci 1, Trieste (TS) w/ Alessandro Fiorin

171109 / The King Tour
@ Cinema Beltrade > 09.11.2017 - 21:30 // Via Oxilia 10, Milano (MI) w/ Alex Cayuela, Alessandro Fiorin Damiani, Goga

170623 / Indomabili
@ Crack! > 22 & 23.06.2016 // C.S.O.A Forte Prenestino (Cella n.7), Via F. Delpino - Cento Celle, Roma (RM) w/ Animatori (M

170523 / The King
@ Int. 7 > From 20 to 23.05.2017 // P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci 1, Trieste (TS) w/ Alessandro Fiorin Damiani [sound from modular

141003 / Festa
@ Centro di Salute Mentale > 03.10.2014 - 18:00 // Domio, via Morpurgo 7, Trieste (TS) w/ Alan Luis, Cukaj Tahir, Vid

Love きみどり – 16° FAR EAST FILM Festival Trailer
w/ Video Animazioni Vive [light from colors, felt-tip pen, paper, watercolor.. sound from modular synthesizer and Shint

140106 / Festa
@ Epi (c) Fania > 06.01.2014 - 14:00 // Via delle Cave 9, Aurisina (TS) w/ A-F-D, Bubu [sound from drum computer,

110319 / Etnofiltri Vivi
@ One Love > 19.03.2011 - 22:00 // Via Lazzaro Palazzi, Milano (MI) w/ Alessandro Fiorin Damiani [sound from drum

110129 / Etnofiltri
@ Studio della Pace > 29.01.2011 // Via Maiocchi 22, Milano (MI) w/ Alessandro Fiorin Damiani [light from Pd, photo.. sound