Entries tagged as music

250302 / Psicoscillazioni Audiovisive
@ CCCC > 2.03.2025 - 19:00 // Via Caronelli, 15 - Conegliano (TV) w/ A-F-D, Goga Mason [light from endoscope, felt

241207 / Festa
@ K3 Film Festival > 07.12.2024 - 23:00 // Kulturhof: Lederergasse, 15 - Villach (AT) w/ Amina Handke, Goga Mason

240928 / ZAT
@ Zattere Fest > 28.09.2024 // Castello del Matese, (CE) w/ A-F-D [sound from modular synthesizer and radio] &n

240707 / Animazione Botanica
@ Trieste Estate fuoricentro > [Laboratorio Selvaggio] 7.07.2024 - 16:00 //// [Live Performance] 21:00 // Villa Engelmann, Via di

240624 / Indomabili
@ Mediateca La Cappella Undergound > 24.06.2024 - 18:00 // Via Roma, 17 - Trieste (TS) w/ Animatori Indomabili [li

240509 / La mia famiglia e altri animali
@ DoubleRoom > [Vernissage & Live Performance] 9.05.2024 - 18:00 //// [Exhibit] from 9 to 28.06.2024 // Via Antonio Canova 9 - Tri

240425 / L’ira dell’Iran
@ Int. 7 > 25.04.2024 // P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci 1, Trieste (TS) w/ Dj Sjonji [sound from cassette deck and modula

240414 / Kill Everyone
@ Barbary 2024 > From 14 to 20.04.2024 // Animocje, Municipal Cultural Center - Marcinkowskiego 12-14, Bydgoszcz (PL)

240410 / Sciame delle Capricornidi
@ Int. 7 > 26.07.2020 & 10.04.2024 // P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci 1, Trieste (TS) w/ Ivan Pilat, Alessandro Fiorin Damian