Entries tagged as painting

220612 / Mani
@ Nouveaux Cinémas > 12.06.2022 - 16:00 // Tête des Trains - Place de l’Eglise, Tousson (FR) w/ Anima [light f

220505 / (Première) Equinox
@ Galera San Soda > From 05 to 12.05.2022 - 17:00 to 21:00 // Corso Sempione 33, Milano (MI) w/ Alessandro Trevisan

2022: Tigre d’Acqua Nera
w/ Goga Mason [light from china, felt-tip pen, paper, temperelli.. sound from AFD's drums and Jili Yao's voice] > January 2022

220123 / Indomabili
@ Alliance Française > 22.01.2022 // P.zza Sant'Antonio Nuovo 2, Trieste (TS) w/ Animatori Indomabili [light from body, cam

220122 / Indomabili
@ Alliance Française > 22.01.2022 - From 16:00 to 18:00 // P.zza Sant'Antonio Nuovo 2, Trieste (TS) w/ Animatori Ind

211203 / Indomabili
@ + O - Positivi > 03.12.2021 - From 17:00 to 20:00 // Palazzo Costanzi - P.zza Piccola 2, Trieste (TS) w/ Animatori

w/ Goga Mason [light from digital colors, self shots.. sound from AFD’s modular synthesizer with LP of Gioacchino Rossini’s “Bi

To The Trees
w/ Goga Mason [light from china, crayons, oil pastels, paper roll, tissue paper, Marseille soap.. sound from Nevada's song] > f

210619 / Ambulatorio Popolare
@ Caracol Olol Jackson > 19.06.2021 - From 18:00 // V.le Divisione Julia 18 - Vicenza (VI) w/ Goga Mason [light wi