Entries tagged as coding

110701 / KMK
@ Kernel Festival 2011 > 01.07.2011 - 22:00 // Villa Tittoni Traversi, Desio (MB) w/ Deltaprocess, Kimikova [sou

110604 / Naufragi Approdi Noi
@ Teatro Comunale > 04.06.2011 - 20:30 // P.zza dei Martiri, Belluno (BL) w/ Il Gabbiano, Angelo Abu, Alessandro Fior

110525 / U-K-I
@ LPM > 25.05.2011 - 21:00 // Nuovo Cinema Aquila - Room 1, Roma (RM) w/ Shu Lea Cheang, Martin Howse, Diana Pornoter

110514 / KMK
@ Notte Bianca > 14.05.2011 - 22:00 // Corso Canalchiaro 138A, Modena (MO) w/ Deltaprocess, Kimikova [sound from d

110504 / Psicoazioni
@ Qualche Passo Verso la Felicità > 04.05.2011 - 18:00 // Sala Bianchi - V.le Fantuzzi 11, Belluno (BL) w/ Il Gabb

Modula [1.2-0]
Modula is a stereo signal-processing effect adopting the concept of 'ring-modulation' (or FM) with two oscillators with four waveforms (

110330 / Hydrozoan
@ TAA > from 30.03.2011 to 02.04.2011 - from 12:00 to 24:00 // The Factory, Cave Street - London (UK) w/ Deltaprocess

110319 / Etnofiltri Vivi
@ One Love > 19.03.2011 - 22:00 // Via Lazzaro Palazzi, Milano (MI) w/ Alessandro Fiorin Damiani [sound from drum

Onde [1.2-0]
Onde is an multiple waveforms generator (sine, triangle, sawtooth ramps downward and upward, square and normal and smooth random) with a