Entries tagged as coding

111223 / Pure
@ Int. 4 > 23.12.2011 // Via Martiri della Libertà 26, Serravalle - Vittorio Veneto (TV) w/ Alessandro Fiorin Damiani [soun

Monitora [1.2-0]
Monitora is a simple audio mixer with twelve mono input. Each channel is provided with solo, VU meter, mute and integrated limiter (post

Satura [1.2-0]
Satura is a stereo distortion effect with a double control of pitch, one global shifter with master glide, three type of distortion ('wa

Echi [1.2-0]
Echi is a stereo effect with a double delay (like echo effect or comb filter) with a dedicated control of time, feedback, one master rev

111029 / Anima
@ Spazio Pelodrilli > 29.10.2011 - 18:30 // Via Manin 43, Treviso (TV) w/ Video Animazioni Vive [light from color,

110904 / The Analog Divide
@ Osteria La Giraffa > 04.09.2011 - 19:00 // P.zza Fontana 10, Vittorio Veneto (TV) w/ Alessandro De Nardi, Alessandr

110824 / Methylzoan
@ Flussi > From 24 to 27.08.2011 // Teatro Carlo Gesualdo, Via Seminario - Avellino (AV) w/ Deltaprocess [light fr

110814 / Psicoscillazioni Vive
@ Via Col Vento > 13.08.2011 - 20:00 // Borgo Bussana Vecchia, Sanremo (IM) w/ A-F-D, Deltaprocess [sound from mod

110813 / Kinectaktion
@ Galleria Deposito Bagagli > 13.08.2011 - 20:00 // Borgo Bussana Vecchia, Sanremo (IM) w/ AFD, Deltaprocess, Loredan