Entries tagged as reading

230723 / Mistero
@ Notti Ground > 23.07.2023 - 21:00 // Ricreatorio Pitteri, Via San Marco 5, Trieste (TS) w/ Dance for Freud, Goga Ma

230615 / Ciclope
@ Bloomsday 2023 > 15.06.2023 - 21:30 // Portarata, Pula (HR) w/ Goga Mason, Valentino Pagliei [light from endosco

230216 / Ciclope
@ La Contrada > 16 & 17.02.2023 - 20:30 // Teatro dei Fabbri - Via dei Fabbri 2/A, Trieste (TS) w/ Goga Mason, Valent

220616 / Ciclope
@ Bloomsday 2022 > 16.06.2022 - 17:00 // Savoia Excelsior Palace, Sala Conferenze - Riva del Mandracchio 4, Trieste (TS) > 1

210711 / Comme ça pour voir
@ CHEAP > From 11.07.2021 // V.le Masini Grande, Bologna (BO) w/ Goga Mason [light from poster and EyeJack.. sound

201120 / Manifesto per mille mani
@ Int. 7 > From 15 to 20.11.2020 // P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci 1, Trieste (TS) w/ Goga Mason [light from color, gold leaf marke

190623 / Igi
@ Borgo Pigatti > 23.06.2019 - 21:30 // Cortile del Teatro, Colle Umberto (TV) w/ IGI Trio, Enrico Possamai [sound

181018 / Inshallah
@ Int. 7 > 30.06.2017 [voice], from 22.09 to 18.10.2018 [synth] // P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci 1, Trieste (TS) w/ Alessandro Fiorin

170908 / Indomabili
@ Andandes > From 04 to 08.09.2017 // Giardino di Via San Michele, Trieste (TS) w/ Animatori Indomabili [light from body, ca