Entries tagged as video

211203 / Indomabili
@ + O - Positivi > 03.12.2021 - From 17:00 to 20:00 // Palazzo Costanzi - P.zza Piccola 2, Trieste (TS) w/ Animatori

211201 / + O – Positivi
@ Palazzo Costanzi > 01.12.2021 - From 12:00 // P.zza Piccola 2, Trieste (TS) w/ Goga Mason [light from digital co

w/ Goga Mason [light from digital colors, self shots.. sound from AFD’s modular synthesizer with LP of Gioacchino Rossini’s “Bi

211129 / Animated Women
@ Animateka > From 29.11 to 5.12.2020 // Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta, Trg prekomorskih brigad 1 - Ljubljana (LJ) &n

To The Trees
w/ Goga Mason [light from china, crayons, oil pastels, paper roll, tissue paper, Marseille soap.. sound from Nevada's song] > f

211029 / (Première) To The Trees
@ VAMpires! #01 > 29.10.2021 - 19:30 // Villa Albrizzi Marini, Via Teresa Rubelli 1 - San Zenone degli Ezzelini (TV)

211008 / Animated Women
@ Animest > From 8.10 to 17.10.2021 // Green Hours Jazz Cafe, Calea Victoriei 120 - București (RO) w/ Goga Mason

210725 / Aumenta la Realtà
@ Barbacan Produce #29 > 25.07.2021 - From 17:00 to 22:00 // P.zza Barbacan, Trieste (TS) w/ Goga Mason [light fro

210711 / Comme ça pour voir
@ CHEAP > From 11.07.2021 // V.le Masini Grande, Bologna (BO) w/ Goga Mason [light from poster and EyeJack.. sound